Happy New Year 2021

Happy New Year 2021!

May this year be happy and fruitful.


The first blog in 2021 is from Boss Aoyama. We went to a shrine in the town we live to help them hold a new year`s festival. I know its difficult to imagine from the photo but it was very cold….

It…was….very…very… cold….


The preparation is finished. Anyway, what are they looking at from the shrine?


Every year at a new year`s festival, a priest celebrate the new year`s day but we have to complete preparation before that. At this shrine, they have some kind of branches so we have to help the branches. It`s just placing an offering but we need to ponder where and which direction to place an offering so it takes a time every year. 


So the new year`s festival begins. The guy in front of the alter is a priest.


We need to take photos to remember where to place offerings.


After placing offerings, we go back to the shrine.


We take social distance…..


Another photo to remember for next year…..


I hope the pandemic finish this year and normal days to come back.



Before ending this blog, I would like to share some fun photos.Desserts we had a coffee shop after visiting my mother`s grave. 


A sweet beans shiro noir and a burger filled with beef.They were so delicious and we will remember since it was a new year`s day.

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