Hi It`s manager Aoyama.
It`s been a year since the covid outbreak begun and I`ve become accustomed to staying home. A good news is our yarn catalogue for the 2021 has been completed.

We have 3 of lovely and pop new colored yarns this season!

The catalogue has English texts with a help of our new staff Tommy. And the catalogue already been uploaded on this website so please have a look.
We started making catalogs in early December and It was very tight schedule of completing the texts by the end of the year so that we could start printing immediately after the beginning of the year. We had to take photos of yarns.

The photo above is me taking a picture for the cover. Lay yarns and swatches side by side and took many patterns of photos of them.
Photos for color chart were scanned as pdf directory and I adjusted colors on a computer.

As usual as every time, I had trouble adjusting colors but somehow I made it in time of the last year.
And printing completed last week.

Fresh off the boat!
We started making a yarn catalogue in 2000 which is a following year of me joined the company. Since then, it`s become our custom to go to a trade show in a van with a full of yarns and catalogue.

These are the catalogue of our 20th history.
It`s emotional…

I took a commemorative photo.
We started making a catalogue in 2000 but the first time we had a stand in a trade show was 1999. And this is a catalogue for the show in 1999.

As you can see, the catalogue was handmade and a whole of our family had to work all night to complete them to make to the show. it`s kind of nostalgic.
And Moffy was born at the show of that time..
We haven’t been able to go to any show recently due to Covid 19 but after normal days back, I will bring Moffy to many shows.